Necromancer's Tower

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Mapicon necrotower.png
Necromancer's Tower
West of the Mountains
Unlocked by
Finding all clues for your Necromancer Journal.

The Necromancer's Tower is located northwest of Fort Memoriam. It is only unlocked by finding all clues that go in your Necromancer Journal.

This location contains the terminal event in the necromancer sidequest.

Finding and Entering the Tower

To unlock the Necromancer's Tower, it is necessary to find the hints as to its location and collect them in the item Necromancer Journal. This is easily completed by interacting with every object in every area as you explore the west. If you have found and examined all the other hints, examining the final clue, the sticky note, then reveals the location and the password.


  • There are 3 floors, leading up the to the "tippy top" of the tower. Each of the 3 floors contains a rune, which you may read to enhance your necromancy skills, and a bad guy you will need to defeat to advance further.
  • On the first floor is a blood fountain. Drinking from it gives you temporary effect Dark-Blooded. It does not use up any stomach capacity points and can be consumed even when full.
    • Reading the rune on the first floor requires you have acquired at least 4 Necro skills
    • Reading the rune on the second floor requires you have acquired at least 5 skills Necro skills
    • Reading the rune on the third floor requires you have acquired at least 6 skills Necro skills

Bad Guys

Gargant head thump.png Thump and Smash Gargant head smash.png
Bad guys
XP (kill)
540 - 567
Skullpillar.png The 2nd Level Pillar
Bad guys
a pillar of skulls
XP (kill)
540 - 567
XP (trick)
540 - 567
Skeleton head 1.png The 1st Level Horde This fight counts as an undead fight with value 8
Bad guys
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
a tough skeleton
XP (kill)
540 - 567
  • On the first floor, you will encounter a horde of skeletons (9 of them total). If you read the first rune, you have the option to use Necromantic Mastery to banish them, which defeats them without a fight (but you receive no XP).
  • On the second floor, a stack of skulls are seen on the left when you enter. If you read the second rune, you have the option to use Necromantic Mastery to annihilate it for no XP, fight it, or you may trick it using Intimidatin' 5, Outfoxin' 5, or Hornswogglin' 5.
  • On the third floor, two colossal skeletons called Thump and Smash will block your way to the Necromancer. You can either fight them or if you've read the third rune you will have the option to use Necromantic Mastery to annihilate it for no XP.
  • At the Tippy Top of the Necromancer's Tower sits the Necromancer, whom you easily destroy without a fight. If you read all 3 runes, you can use Necromantic Mastery to consume him, becoming the necromancer yourself, gaining 666 XP and the the Necromancer's crown. Alternatively, you may just destroy him (or let Doc Alice kill him) for 540 - 567 XP.
    • If Doc Alice is your pardner, consuming the necromancer will cause her to leave you.
    • In Hard Mode consuming the necromancer will not give you the crown (or more accurately, it disintegrates).


  • After becoming the necromancer yourself, you may sit in the throne. This does nothing, but you can laugh.