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Portrait Jeff.png
Fort Memoriam

Jeff is the caretaker at the Military Cemetery who is posted at the Caretaker's Shanty. Jeff often leaves his post to play tabletop RPGs with his nerdy friends at Fort Memoriam.

He does not like telling people about his job because he's afraid they will think he's a weirdo.

Melvin says he hasn't been at his day job in two weeks.

Jeff originally joined the RPG group just after they switched from preforming historical reenactments. He says he has a strong interest in history and that tabletop gaming has some of those elements.

Jeff often reads on the job and the contents of his desk suggest he paints miniatures for tabletop war games as well.

When Jeff is forced by the player to return to his post, he can be found sleeping in the caretaker's shanty. This somehow still prevents the dead from rising in the cemetery.

