Gun Manor Carriage House

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Gun Manor Carriage House
Gun Manor
Unlocked by
Unlocking the door to the Carriage House

Gun Manor Carriage House is located just east of the Manor house itself. The door is initially locked but can be opened with sufficient Lockpickin' skill or by use the Gun Manor carriage house key.



  • Past the coaches are 3 piles of lumber. With a hammer and nails each can be used to construct the letters B, O, and O.


  • The parking attendant is found here. You can convince him to go back to work with 5 - 45 Moxie. Doing so gives you 15 - 78 XP.


  • The level of Lockpickin' required to open the door varies between 1 and 3, depending on the difficulty level set for house locks.