General Gob

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General Gob is a goblin can be found in Fort Cowardice, shooting his gun into a pie safe. He claims pies are terrible and one must always destroy them. If you as him why you must destroy pies, he will say humans will not understand. If you press the issue, you will get into an argument culminating with you checking the pie safe to ensue the pie is destroyed. You will then send him on his way to fight the good fight against those terrible pies.

You can use one of your class skills (Intimidatin', Hornswogglin', or Outfoxin') against him to gain some of his gear, depending on your class. As a Cow Puncher, you convince General Gob to leave his hat behind with you for safekeeping. As a Snake Oiler, you convince General Gob to leave behind his gun, as a real man solves his problems with his fists. As a Beanslinger, you convince General Gob to leave behind all of his gear, both his gun and his hat.

WoL General Gob.png

Cow Puncher
Snake Oiler
Muscle: 4 - 14 4 - 7 4 - 7
Mysticality: 4 - 7 4 - 14 4 - 7
Moxie 7 - 10 7 - 10 7 - 17

HP:  72 - 96
Speed:  2
Base Damage:  5
Armor:  0
Target:  Random


WoL General Gob.png

Cow Puncher
Snake Oiler
Muscle: 8 - 208 8 - 74 8 - 74
Mysticality: 8 - 74 8 - 208 8 - 74
Moxie 15 - 81 15 - 81 15 - 215

HP:  144 - 192
Speed:  3
Base Damage:  6
Armor:  0
Target:  Random

