Dr. Josie Morton

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Dr. Josie Morton
Head geologist.png
Clooncy's Bar, Dr. Morton's House

Dr. Morton is initially found drinking in Clooncy's Bar. After talking to her and agreeing to provide any interesting rocks she abandons her drink and can subsequently be found in Dr. Morton's House.


  • After sending her back to her house, you can go to the West Pole (providing you've already discovered it) and from the pile closest to the player character's spawn, you can find an interesting rock. Alternatively, you can check the remains of the giant rock monster in the Railroad Camp (East).
    • In either case, bring the rock back to Dr. Morton, and she will send you off on another rock sample from the Old Cave. In order to acquire the weird rock sample, you can either overpower it (requires at least 40 Muscle), trick it (requires Hornswogglin' 5), or bribe it (requires 3000 meat).
  • Once you return the rock to her, Dr. Morton will send you to Abandoned Mine to retrieve a spare drill bit. The bit is found on the farthest entrance to a sub-section before the El Vibrato Portal at the end of the section, next to the ladder leading to the cultist hideout.
  • Bring the bit back to her and she will run outside and attach the bit to the machine. A ladder leading down will open, and you can find her inside wanting you to deal with a rock monster at the other side of the tunnel. Passing a 30 Myst check to touch the bristling rock will open a side tunnel.
  • The tunnel will be blocked off by rocks, which you can run through with 15 speed.
  • On the other side will be an entrance leading outside allowing you to circumvent the rock monster without fighting it.
  • Once you clear this area, your interactions with Doctor Morton will be mostly finished. You can interrogate her for your reward, which will get you an arcane geode hat.
  • There is also a puzzle in the small opening behind where she stands after you defeat the monster.
