Clooncy's Bar

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Frisco clooncys.png
Clooncy's Bar
Unlocked by
Unlock Frisco

Clooncy runs the fanciest bar in the west! You can buy a variety of cocktails here, or even get in a scuffle with some scoundrels at the endless brawl.


Bad Guys

Particle bigpuff1.png Clooncy's brawl Particle bigpuff2.png
Bad guys
2-4 of
A drunken oaf (muscular)
A drunk chef (mystical)
A drunk gunslinger (moxious)
XP (kill)
60 - 63 x (drunks-1)
1decent whiskey
1decent tequila
1decent wine
20% chance of handful of loose teeth
  • Entering the bar fight in Clooncy's will cause a combat with a random assortment of drunk people. The number involved depend on how often you've done this fight.
    • Initially you fight 2 drunks.
    • Your 3rd combat has a 33% chance of involving a 3rd drunk.
    • Your 4th combat has a 66% chance of involving a 3rd drunk.
    • Your 5th and 6th combats are with 3 drunks.
    • Your 7th combat has a 33% chance of involving a 4th drunk.
    • Your 8th combat has a 66% chance of involving a 4th drunk.
    • Your 9th combat and beyond are with 4 drunks.
    • 1 Each of the alcoholic items has a chance to drop based on the amount you already have.
      • 0 - 1 bottles gives a 100% drop rate
      • 2 bottles gives a 66% drop rate
      • 3 bottles gives a 33% drop rate
      • 4 or more bottles gives a 0% drop rate