Chaos And Its Discontents

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Chaos And Its Discontents
Crystaldream Lake

A book of poems about sports, violence, and sports violence.

Grants the skill: Free-For-All
Sell Value: 75 Meat

Acquired From

When used

First time:

You read a few of the shorter poems. They inspire you to feats of unpredictable violence.

You got a skill: Free-For-All (Deal 3 Physical damage to all enemies and allies)

There are some longer poems too, but they look kinda boring. You'd probably be able to appreciate them if you really made the time for it. (If you do, Free-For-All will only deal damage to you, and not your allies)

Second time, with 50 XP (consumed on use):

You concentrate on the longer poems until their beautiful, complex language is echoing in your head like a brawl in a room with bad acoustics.

Free-For-All has been upgraded! (allies immune)

You absent-mindedly kick and punch the book until it's nothing but a pile of confetti, each tiny piece emblazoned with a beautiful single-word poem.