Celsius 212

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Icon book3.png
Celsius 212
Ocean City

The temperature at which leather shoes burn.

Grants the skill: Hot-Foot
Sell Value: 50 Meat


Cost: 100 XP
Effect: +2 damage

Acquired From

When used

You skim the story. It seems like it's about a guy who likes to burn stuff.

You got a skill: Hot-Foot
You feel like there's more to learn from this story, but you'd really have to concentrate.

(If you do, Hot-Foot will deal 2 additional damage)

Upgrade (100 XP):

Upon a closer reading, you realize that it isn't just a story about a guy who likes to burn stuff-- it's a story about a guy who really likes to burn stuff.

Hot-Foot has been upgraded!

To be more like him, you burn the book.