A Treatise on a Treatise on Metareferentiality

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A Treatise on a Treatise on Metareferentiality
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

This is not the greatest book ever written about metareferentiality, this is just a tribute.

Grants the skill: Stop Hitting Yourself
Sell Value: 100 Meat


Cost: 75 XP
Effect: 3 extra damage

Acquired From

When Used

You read the book about itself, and it gets you thinking... What if you got your enemies to beat themselves up for you?

You got a skill: Stop Hitting Yourself

If you can muster the energy to read it again, you'd probably able to introspect even further.

(If you do, Stop Hitting Yourself will deal 3 more damage)

  • Upgrading:

XP You spend 75 XP.

You read the book again, and learn even more about reading the book again.

Stop Hitting Yourself has been upgraded!

You look at the front page to see if the author has written anything else, but this inquiry causes the book to vanish up its own binding.
