Your Family Farm

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Your Family Farm

The game begins at Your Family Farm. You start in your room, and may go to the living room or your brother's room. Outside you can find your family.




  • Gain 1 xp by combing your hair at your desk in your room.
  • Gain 1 xp by stacking firewood in your living room.
  • Gain 1 xp by fiddling with the puzzle cube found in your brother's room.



Mad Libs

In your brother's room, you can read random math books:

Bucket Formula
Book Title
  • An Investigation of the Laws of Thought: On Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities
  • Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum
  • Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Mannichfaltigkeitslehre
  • Lectiones Geometricae
  • On the Application to Dynamics of a General Mathematical Method previously applied to Optics
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
  • Solutio problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis
  • Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
  • Uber die Anzahl der Primzahlen unter einer gegebenen Grosse
  • Uber die Darstellbarkeit einer Function durch eine trigonometrische Reihe
  • Vorlesungen tiber Zahlentheorie
  • How many different languages do you need to know to learn about numbers?
  • I think this is about... math? Maybe?
  • Just the title page gives me a headache.
  • No wonder I never know what he's talking about.
  • None of it makes a lick of sense to me.

When reading the bookshelf where you can obtain Walking Stupid, you can also read randomly generated mystery book titles in the following format. For example, a book might give: "Chester Drew and the Curse of Witch Bridge." Dad gave me this one when I was a kid.

Bucket Formula
Book Title
Random Response
  • Dad gave me this one when I was a kid.
  • I loved that one!
  • I read that one ten times!
  • I remember that one!
  • Mom gave me this one a few years ago.
  • Rufus liked this one as much as I did.
  • That was one of my favorites.
  • Ben
  • Bess
  • Biff
  • Bill
  • Blanche
  • Calvin
  • Chester
  • Clara
  • Claudia
  • Earl
  • Edith
  • Emma
  • Ethan
  • Gene
  • Gil
  • Gladys
  • Ira
  • Josephine
  • Kit
  • Leon
  • Opal
  • Pete
  • Red
  • Roberta
  • Rose
  • Roy
  • Tess
  • Victoria
  • Wyatt
  • Bobbsey
  • Brown
  • Danger
  • Drew
  • Hardy
  • Jones
  • Smith
  • Swift
  • Curse of
  • Escape from
  • Hero of
  • Incident at
  • Miracle at
  • Mystery of
  • Occurence at
  • Secret of
  • Treasure of
  • Trouble at
  • the
  • nothing

Seems approximately 50% chance if "the" is inserted here; so both "The Incident at The Butcher's Bay" and "Incident at Butcher's Bay" are possible.

  • Ancient
  • Black
  • Butcher's
  • Cabbot
  • Cursed
  • Dark
  • Eagle
  • Eerie
  • Forbidden
  • Forgotten
  • Grisly
  • Haunted
  • Monster
  • Old
  • Rattlesnake
  • Skeleton
  • Spooky
  • Terrible
  • Vampire
  • Vulture
  • Witch
  • Zombie
  • Barn
  • Basement
  • Bridge
  • Cabin
  • Castle
  • Cellar
  • Church
  • Citadel
  • City
  • Gulch
  • Hospital
  • House
  • Mansion
  • Mine
  • Outhouse
  • Ship
  • Warehouse