Wiki of Loathing talk:Admin noticeboard

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On Shadow Taint Disadvantage


When Taint level is high (I went to 11, cant confirm when it begins, but certainly after 5) you will also lose ability to use your normal companions.

Only TAINT/SHADOW companions (such as rat, bird) will work!

Cats hate you, hobos hate you, no friend ending of game and even companions do ... cause you are EVIL :D

Advanced Fishing

= You can fish from ANY Toilet as long as you have any rod
- You can fish from Ocean dock every day
- Results of ALL fishing depend on rod
ORDINARY ROD found in prilogue lowest results
SALTY ROD found in old sailors house (Church urns quest) is better
HOT ROD improves

There is even SHADOW ROD that gives Evil things, and likely raises taint

Beating the big fish per Rufus request (if I remember correctly) should give advanced fishing perk


I found that best way to improve character are PERKS and EFFECTS While EFFECTS come from FOOD and DRINKS they also come from certain items (like making hands hot at hobo camp, sitting on crescent throne from chop shop at your backroom thropheys) and SADLY SEEMS TO NEED TO BE REVISITED EVERY DAY. Same goes for effects from dying (ALOOF, TRYING OUT), drinking from your bar advanced drinks (bring booze back there and every day you can make better cocktails)

PERKS seems to be mostly earned by side quests, classes and reading books.

Certainly this is one of important parts of game beside XP spending on basic skills and equipment and seems quite essentuals.

So good guide to books and perks would aid players.