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Generates a brief formatted string to describe a combat AI targeting strategy.

See Combat for more description of the target modes.


  • 1 One of: highesthp, lowesthp, mostdamaged, leastdamaged, highestmuscle, highestmysticality, highestmoxie, lowestmuscle, lowestmysticality, lowestmoxie, primary, front, rear, pardner, all, self, random, allrandom, allall,
    One of: highesthp_friendly, lowesthp_friendly, mostdamaged_friendly, leastdamaged_friendly, highestmuscle_friendly, highestmysticality_friendly, highestmoxie_friendly, lowestmuscle_friendly, lowestmysticality_friendly, lowestmoxie_friendly, primary_friendly, front_friendly, rear_friendly, all_friendly, targetsrow_friendly, random_friendly.
    One of: targetsrow, none, variable