Template:Skill pardner

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A template to help with formatting skill descriptions.


  • image The icon for the skill.
  • desc Optional. Description.
  • pardner Type of skill: misc or combat.
  • apcost Optional. The AP cost of the skill.
  • once Optional. If set, indicates that the skill may only be used once per fight.
  • noturnend Optional. If set, indicates that using the skill does not terminate your combat turn.
  • unleveled Optional. If this skill does not change as your pardner levels, describe what it does here.
  • level1, level2, ... Effects at each level. Rendered in blue.


{{skill pardner
|from=Starting skill.
|level1=This effect is available from level 1.
|level2=This effect requires level 2.
<!-- for as many levels as the skill has -->