pneumatic tube system operation manual

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pneumatic tube system operation manual
Ocean City
Quest item

This is a reference manual for a citywide network of pneumatic tubes. Looks like The Eye had some state-of-the-art delivery infrastructure!

Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From


Step 1: Push the green POWER ON button.
Step 2: Pull the PUMP ENGAGE lever.
Step 3: Adjust the suction rate according to the pressure diagnostic indicators:
-- If the RED indicator light is on, set the SUCTION ADJUST dial to A
-- if the BLUE indicator light is on, set the SUCTION ADJUST dial to E
-- If the GREEN indicator light is on, set the SUCTION ADJUST dial to D
To abort startup, press the red POWER OFF button.

  • What we want to accomplish is to turn the knob to the right 'color'. Since we see a yellow light on the console, we must interpolate. Remembering ROYGBV, we deduce the dial should be at
    • A for a red light
    • B for an orange light
    • C for a yellow light
    • D for a green light
    • E for a blue light
  • Turning the knob to match the color sucks up the fishmen. Once you have dealt with them, as you leave the newspaper office, you automatically leave the manual on the desk where you found it to reduce inventory clutter.