Olive Garden

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Olive Garden
Portrait Olive.png
Olive Garden's Homestead

Olive Garden lives on Olive Garden's Homestead. She has a serious love for cacti.


  • When the player listens to Olive rant about her love for cacti, they can suggest Y'know, if you love cactuses so much... Why don't you marry one?.

. Olive thinks this is a good idea, possibly because she is crazy.

  • Meet Cactus Bill in Dirtwater and inform him you have found someone who loves cacti.
  • Bill then moves onto the homestead with his love.



  • Bill informs the player character that he and Olive can kiss, so long as they are careful.
  • Bill informs the player character that he wishes to hug Olive, but it is difficult because he is a cactus with spines.
  • Olive expresses a wish to have children with Bill.
    • They are shown to have successfully had children in the ending cutscene. Four are humans, three are cacti.
