Ol' Granddad

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Ol' Granddad
West of the Mountains
Unlocked by

Ol' Granddad is where the goblins who stole one of Roy Bean's jars of jelly beans went.

Bad Guys

First floor

first floor ladder guard
Bad guys
a goblin guard with a club
XP (kill)
50 - 53
XP (bribe)
50 - 53
20% chance of goblin shortpants
20% chance of goblin trashbat
20% chance of goblin trash sack
1 of
30% chance of goblin stew
30% chance of goblin absinthe
30% chance of goblin "coffee"

Second floor

second floor ladder guard
Bad guys
a goblin guard with a gun
XP (kill)
50 - 53
XP (bribe)
50 - 53
40% chance of goblin trashbat
1 of
30% chance of goblin stew
30% chance of goblin absinthe
30% chance of goblin "coffee"
  • On the second floor, another goblin blocks the next ladder. Options are:

Third floor

third floor ladder guard
Bad guys
a goblin guard
XP (kill)
50 - 53
XP (bribe)
50 - 53
40% chance of goblin shortpants
1 of
30% chance of goblin stew
30% chance of goblin absinthe
30% chance of goblin "coffee"
  • On the third floor, a final goblin awaits. Options are:
    • With Goblintongue, bribe him with goblin elixir, concocted in the next room.
      • Choices made in creating the elixir do not matter: you will fail on your first try and succeed on your second try (unless you intentionally toss it out the window).
    • Without Gary as your pardner, you can fight him.

Fourth floor

Goblin pile, pop 5
Bad guys
5 of
XP (kill)
350 - 371
Goblin pile, pop 3
Bad guys
3 of
XP (kill)
200 - 212
Goblin pile, pop 1
Bad guys
1 of
XP (kill)
50 - 53


Mad Libs

Potion ingredients are chosen from the following items:

Bucket Results
  • black
  • blue
  • brown
  • chartreuse
  • clear
  • gray
  • green
  • indigo
  • mauve
  • orange
  • pink
  • purple
  • red
  • violet
  • white
  • yellow
  • flakes
  • fluid
  • granules
  • juice
  • liquid
  • lumps
  • oil
  • ooze
  • powder
  • slime
  • syrup
  • bubble
  • fizz
  • steam
  • smoke