Gun Manor Dining Room

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Sign diningroom.png
Gun Manor Dining Room
Gun Manor, First Floor
Unlocked by
Getting past ice blocking that part of the ground floor

The Gun Manor Dining Room is located on the ground floor of Gun Manor. A hungry hungry ghost is eating voraciously at a table, served by a frantic waiter.



Head glutton combat.png Put a stop to this, violently Cart dessert.png Cart dishes1.png Cart booze.png
Bad guys
a hungry hungry ghost
a cart full of beef
a cart full of empty dishes
a cart full of booze
XP (kill)
30 - 219


  • Once the hungry hungry ghost is gone you can send the waiter back to working at the snack counter.


  • Examining the big rack of expensive-looking plates results in some breaking, with the remaining plates forming the letters BOO.
