Gun Manor Cellar

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Gun Manor Cellar
Gun Manor, First Floor
Unlocked by
Unbarring the barred door

Gun Manor Cellar is accessible via a barred door on the ground floor of Gun Manor, in which case you enter from the far right, or you can access it indirectly from the Hedge Maze, in which case you appear in the boiler room on the far left. As well as being full of spiders, the cellar contains several rooms:



  • The museum greeter is held within one of the cocoons. Freeing him rewards with 15 - 78 XP.
    • The mannequin he uses for greeting practice can be found in another cocoon.


Your route through the cellar is blocked by multiple fights with spiders. Note that these spider fights will occur without the help of Florence. Occurring from right to left:

  • A group of three small spiders.
Three Small Spiders Spider.png
Bad guys
an extra-venomous spider
a small but beefy spider
an excited spider
XP (kill)
30 - 219
1-2 of
1-3 miscellaneous spider parts
A Big Spider Spider big.png
Bad guys
a big plump spider
XP (kill)
30 - 219
1-2 of
1-4 miscellaneous spider parts
A Big and Three Small spider Spider.png
Bad guys
a big moist spider
an extra-venomous spider
a small but beefy spider
an excited spider
XP (kill)
40 - 292
2-3 of
2-5 miscellaneous spider parts
  • A group of three big spiders.
Three Big Spiders Spider.png
Bad guys
a big moist spider
a powerful-looking spider
a big plump spider
XP (kill)
60 - 438
2-3 of
2-5 miscellaneous spider parts


  • Using the big can of paint and paintbrush will result in you painting "BOO!" on the wall.


  • You can attempt to greet the greeting mannequin, although it never responds.