El Vibrato Control Center

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Elv teleporter.png
El Vibrato Control Center
Deepest Delve Mine
Unlocked by
revealing and enabling the teleporter

This Control Center contains two signs giving status of the "West Roberto Containment Power" (NOKKUZTA SOMPAPAPASTANOKZAK FUCHAFUSTA LAZAK) on the left and "East Roberto Containment Power" (NINOKTA SOMPAPAPASTANOKZAK FUCHAFUSTA LAZAK) on the right, each specifying the current power status of their respective containment centers as online/offline (BEGA/KUZKRO), as controlled by the terminals found in Curious Flat Plain and Curious False Mountain.

Control Center

If you have the El Vibrato cross (from level 2 of Deepest Delve Mine) you can place it in the machine.

  • The El Vibrato cross is also referred to as the "Positronic Resonator" by the Control Terminal.

Control Terminal

The terminal at the far right of the center lists the power status of each containment center and allows you to interact with the containment centers once all the requirements are fulfilled. It will specify

  • West Roberto containment power: online/offline (NOKKUZTA SOMPAPAPASTANOKZAK FUCHAFUSTA LAZAK: BEGA/KUZKRO)
  • East Roberto containment power: online/offline (NINOKTA SOMPAPAPASTANOKZAK FUCHAFUSTA LAZAK: BEGA/KUZKRO)
  • If the El Vibrato cross has been installed in the control center, it will also specify "positronic resonator detected" (NONOKBE HOCHAFU NOGACHA)

If all 3 power sources are set, you may "initialize Roberto containment system" (ZAKHOLA SOMPAPAPASTANOKZAK FUCHAFUSTA LANO). This makes a whining start-up noise before shaking the room.
