Dirtwater band

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a 5-member band

The performers you sent to Dirtwater formed the greatest band in the history of music. The perfect union of percussion, strings, and technology, they immediately secured their place in the cultural history of Loathing. Their songs were innovative, their stage presence was spectacular, and the liner notes on their albums were extremely clever and interesting. They called themselves...The Aristocrats.

Band members

  • Wasco Shafter, bandleader and banjo player. To obtain him as a band member, listen to his jokes and at every opportunity, convince him that he is bad at his job. Eventually, he'll go to Dirtwater.
  • Fort of Darkness chef, jaw harp. Give her the jaw harp found on the skeleton of the bartender at Cavern Canyon.
  • The Buttery Biscuit dishwasher, washboard guy. Investigate him in the Buttery Biscuit (Breadwood), pay what he owes to the bartender (150 meat) and he'll go to Dirtwater.
  • Guitar man from Fort Memoriam (oddly, he seems to take off his hat after arriving.) Talk to him at Fort Memoriam.
  • El Vibrato booping thing. Power up Curious Abandoned Well, go to Auditory Nuisance Containment, then press two specific numbers to teleport him to Dirtwater.



  • At least two players are necessary for the band to form.
  • The name (and brief description) given to the band depends on the player/instrument composition, as listed in the following table:
Washboard Guitar Banjo Jaw Harp Booper Resulting band name
    Yes   Yes The Resonance Cascade
  Yes     Yes The Possibility Titans
  Yes Yes     The Stringers
  Yes Yes   Yes The Future Sound of Kentucky
      Yes Yes Plunk 'n' Boop
    Yes Yes   Siouxsie and the Banjo
    Yes Yes Yes Lebanese Golf Cart
  Yes   Yes   The Pluckers
  Yes   Yes Yes The Hot Lips Band
  Yes Yes Yes   The Onion Motel
  Yes Yes Yes Yes Wasco's Explosion
Yes       Yes The Automatic Laundry
Yes   Yes     Washco
Yes   Yes   Yes This Machine Kills Hillbillies
Yes Yes       Cornpone Holiday
Yes Yes     Yes Mortuary Dairy
Yes Yes Yes     Wasco and Sons
Yes Yes Yes   Yes The Pony Express
Yes     Yes   Washmouth
Yes     Yes Yes The Beeples
Yes   Yes Yes   Wasco's Texas Rascals
Yes   Yes Yes Yes Wasco's Electric Trashcan
Yes Yes   Yes   Bread Zeppelin
Yes Yes   Yes Yes Pear Life
Yes Yes Yes Yes   Wasco and the Pufferfish
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The Aristocrats