Category:Shadows over Loathing moxie increasers

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The following items modify your Moxie:

Modifier Source
eleven-gallon oil hat, giant maggot, glorious tiara, greasy paper hat, green puckwudgie hat, intimidating Stetson, leather aviator helmet, mob fedora, oilman's Stetson, perfumed wedding veil, Poindexter's hat (Jazz Agent), powdered wig, purple puckwudgie hat, sodden tricorn hat, wriggling wreath
corroded cufflinks, driving gloves, elaborate earrings, fancy dress socks, fancy tie tack, fine silk bowtie, Jasper's shades, oily doily, porquoise bangle, porquoise torc, smiling face button, stylish sunglasses, wallet-on-a-chain
black leather pants, black leather skirt, flowing skirt, loose pants, mob dress pants, S.I.T. jazz slacks, sparkly tutu, weathered jeans, white suit pants
bragadocious pie, bucket of chum, can of fruit cocktail, Cheez Loaf, devil's food cake, dream slop, extra-virgin crude oil, fish sandwich (hot dog style), fish sandwich (omelette style), fish sandwich (samosa style), fruit advertisement, gator cheese, green cupcake, odd fruit, perfect slice of toast, shadow pickle, squirrel cheese, toast with gel
11-in-1 oil, Bertworth's Finest Toothwax, breath mint, cosmetic wine, mob hair tonic, noble elixir, Professor Adams' special potion, radium rouge, refined oil, shadow grease, stylish pomade, triple-mint tea, universal lubricant
Basic Humanity, Expert Sitter, Forbidden Rhythms (Jazz Agent), Pep Talk, Perfect Teeth, The Shadow's Vanity
Badly Misaligned Teeth, Bruise's Mark, Noël's Dark Sigil, Shattered Teeth, Swamp Geas, Terrence's Accounting
Swamp Geas Plus
Missing Biceps
Fashion Sense, Gorgonzola's Guile, Limburger Limberness, Overconfidence, Rhythm in Your Blood, Rhythmic Precision, Ribald Memories, Sharp Eyes, Swiss Cunning, Taut Hamstrings
Aloof, Cocktailed/Fancy Cocktailed/Shot In The Belly, Dottie's Boon, Dream Cat's Boon, Hot Bath, Loving Thyself, Orb Touched (Jazz Agent)
Another Hand Injury, Original Sindwich, Regretful, Ringing In Your Ears, Tongue-Tied, Twisted Ankle, Twitchy

Pages in category "Shadows over Loathing moxie increasers"

The following 108 pages are in this category, out of 108 total.