blue cupcake

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blue cupcake
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

A cupcake coated in unnatural blue icing.

Increases your Mysticality by 1
Increases your Maximum AP by 1 (until you eat something else)
Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From

When used

You eat the cupcake, stopping occasionally to wonder exactly what it is that qualifies something as a cake. If this is a cake, how big does a cake have to be? If you frost a cookie, why isn't that a cake? On some level, isn't a pie a cake? And furthermore, who gets to decide the answers to all of these questions? Is there some kind of cake overseer -- a single person who's in charge of all cake-related policy and nomenclature?

Interesting questions


  • Cupcaked – Your mind is buzzing with questions about the cupcake you just ate, and also with the sugar that was in the cupcake you just ate.