101 Delicious Mutton Recipes

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101 Delicious Mutton Recipes
S.I.T. Campus, Porkham

Having lifted the curse, you realize now that it's a cookbook. It's a cookbook!

Sell Value: 0 Meat

Acquired From

When used

This book is so much less scary than it used to be that it's now almost as boring as a real book. (And on further uses:) You've already learned everything you can learn from this book.

Read it

This ten-chapter cookbook consists of one chapter of actual mutton recipes preceded by nine chapters devoted to techniques for securing the mutton in the first place. You're not that interested in mutton acquisition, but the tips have some general applicability. You got a perk: Mutton Magnate


After upgrading the book to 111 Delicious Mutton Recipes by completing The Book's Curse, you can further upgrade the perk:

The final chapter has a density of information that is going to take some time to parse. There are some mutton recipes, for sure, but also detailed information on basically every other kind of meat that exists. Do you want to foray into the text?.

Start reading (30 XP)

The chapter goes into dismaying detail about all kinds of meat, and you glean some useful facts that will help you find more Meat than ever before. You got a perk: Meaty Expertise


Mutton Magnate gives +30% Meat Drops. After upgrading the book, you can learn Meaty Expertise which gives 210% more meat drops for each upgrade, and costs 10 XP more.