Character statistics

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Character statistics affect your actions both inside and outside combat.


Character statistics may be raised by spending XP. The cost increases per level; see charts below.


M-stats affect damage in combat. Each point of advantage in a M-stat increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken by the corresponding type of attack. The maximum base level of an M stat is 37

Current level XP to raise XP to raise (primary)
1 10 5
2 20 10
3 30 15
4 40 20
5 60 30
6 80 40
7 100 50
8 140 70
9 180 90
10 240 120
11 300 150
12 400 200
13 500 250
14 600 300
15 700 350
16 800 400
17 900 450
18 1000 500
19 1100 550
20 1200 600
21 1300 650
22 to 37 (max) 1400 700

Muscle Muscle

Muscle determines how much damage your melee attacks do, and how much damage you take when you get hit by melee attacks.
For example: If an attack against a bandit would normally do 3 damage, but your Muscle is 1 lower than the bandit's, the attack will do 2 damage instead.

Increasing your Muscle causes you to deal more damage with melee attacks, and take less damage from... also melee attacks. Many items and effects can also be used to increase your Muscle.

Mysticality Mysticality

Mysticality determines how much damage your magical attacks do, and how much damage you take when enemies use magical attacks against you.
For example: If a spell you're casting against a skeleton would normally do 3 damage, but your Mysticality is 2 higher than the skeleton's, the spell will do 5 damage instead.

Increasing your Mysticality will make you deal more damage with magical attacks and take less damage from magical attacks against you. Many items and effects can also be used to increase your Mysticality.

Moxie Moxie

Moxie determines how much damage your ranged attacks do, and how much damage you take when you get shot by enemies.
For example: If a ranged attack against a goblin would normally do 3 damage, but your Moxie is 1 higher than the goblin's, the attack will do 4 damage instead.

Reducing an enemy's Moxie will cause them to deal less damage when they shoot you, and take more damage when you shoot them.

Many items and effects can also be used to increase your Moxie.


Current level XP to raise XP to raise (primary)
1 10 5
2 20 10
3 40 20
4 80 40
5 160 80
6 320 160
7 640 320
8 1280 640
9 2200 1100
10+ 4600 2300

The maximum level of a G stat is 37. The maximum number a capacity can get to is 4.

Grit Grit

The extent to which you are truly gritty. The higher it is, the tougher you'll be.

  • +10 HP, plus +10 per level, up to a maximum of 380.
  • +1 Pain Tolerance at level 2, 5, 7, and 9.
  • +1 Stomach capacity at level 2, 6, and 11.

Gumption Gumption

The level of get-up-and-git-er-done. The higher it is, the quicker you are.

  • +1 Speed per level, up to a maximum of 37.
  • +1 Maximum AP at level 2, 5, 7, and 9.
  • +1 Spleen capacity at level 2, 6, and 11.

Glamour Glamour

Glamour is your appreciate of the finer things in life. As it increases you'll be able to consume more cocktails, and you'll also be able to afford them!

  • +10% Meat Gains per level up to level 11, then +5% Meat Gains per level for subsequent levels, up to a maximum of 240%.
  • +5% Item-Finding per level above 1, up to a maximum of 75%.
  • +1 Liver capacity at level 2, 6, and 11.


Your stats as well as your abilities are increased by spending experience points (XP). XP is gained in various non-combat situations, by winning combat encounters and cleverly avoiding combat encounters (and even by losing combat encounters, with the Glutton for Punishment perk). The amount of XP you gain depends on the individual event, often calculated by the game based on a table of fixed values associated with the region in which the event occurs.

  • The base region values for XP are slightly higher if you tell Rufus that your motivation to leave is "To get off this stupid farm", indicating that you are adventurous.
Region a b c d e f g h
XP (Normal) 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70
XP (Adventurous) 11 16 22 32 43 53 63 73

Other stats

  • Stomach – Your stomach capacity is determined by your Grit, and defines how many food items you can eat before you need a nap.
    Also you can't take naps, you can only go to sleep for an entire night.
  • Liver Capacity – Your liver capacity is determined by your Glamor, and defines how many alcoholic drinks you can handle before you have to sleep it off. You can further increase this capacity by acquiring the Quick / Drunk perk.
  • Spleen – Your spleen capacity is determined by your Gumption, and defines how many potions you can use in a day. Snake Oilers can further increase this capacity by acquiring the Big Spleen perk. As with food and booze, your spleen capacity is renewed by sleeping.
  • Unspent XP – note that this stat is hidden if you choose to auto spend XP in options.
  • HP / Maximum HP – Hit Points determine how much damage you can take before you're knocked unconscious. Some items and effects can enhance your max HP.
Being knocked unconscious means you lose whatever fight you're in. As far as you know.
  • AP / Maximum AP – You use AP to perform combat skills. You'll naturally recover 1 AP every round of combat. Using some advanced skills in combat costs Action Points. Some items and effects increase your max AP.
Basic attacks don't cost AP, Combat Skills cost a variable amount of AP each, from 1 AP for the simpler ones to 4 AP for the more expensive ones. Your Action Points are restored before every fight.
  • Speed – Speed determines who goes first in combat. If your speed is higher than that of your primary enemy, your team will go first, otherwise theirs will. Some items and effects increase your speed.
If both sides have equal Speed, there will be a coin flip to see who goes first. The West may be brutal, but it is fair.
  • HP Regen – This will heal you at the beginning of every round of combat; see Bloodbeans.
  • AP Regen – This will restore you AP (or Action Points).
  • Armor – Armor reduces the damage you take from melee attacks, and can be gained by various items and effects.
    There are a number of different kinds of armor in Shadows over Loathing:
    • Physical Armor – This represents your protection from physical damage.
    • Cold Armor – This represents your protection from the cold, both the winter kind and the unnatural, magical kind. When you take cold damage in combat, it will be reduced by this amount.
    • Hot Armor – This represents your ability to keep your cool when things heat up. When you take hot damage in combat, it will be reduced by this amount.
    • Sleaze Armor – This represents your tolerance of embarrassment and also grease. When you take sleaze damage in combat, it will be reduced by this amount.
    • Spooky Armor – This represents your ability to withstand spooky phenomena. When you take spooky damage in combat, it will be reduced by this amount.
    • Stench Armor – This represents your tolerance of nasty smells. When you take stench damage in combat, it will be reduced by this amount.
  • Melee Damage Bonus – This bonus increases the damage of all your melee attacks. Some items and effects are available to increase this.
  • Spell Damage Bonus – This bonus makes your spells do more damage. Some items and effects are available to increase this.
  • Ranged Damage Bonus – This adds damage to all of your pistol attacks. Some items and effects are available to increase this.

Elemental resistance

Elemental resistances are expressed as percentages that proportionally reduce (resistance) or increase (vulnerability) the damage you take from elemental attacks.




