Talk:West of Loathing wander events

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Another case of "I'm not sure" but I think there are conditional cases where option show up disabled if you don't have the prereqs vs. options not snowing up at all. Is there a wiki standard for this?

  • An option: results
  • An option (Dickerin' 3): results
  • An option (hidden: Dickerin' 3): results

    The page says the meateorite\meateor has a fixed 1\10 of being in the pool
    I assume this 10% is after the nineth encounter that triggers it, or is it possible to encounter it before your nineth Wander Event?
    On that note, I can't seem to trigger the meateor event at all aside from the one fixed encounter.
    Seeing as the wording is of being in the pool and not of being pulled from the pool, I assume that 90% of the time, the event can't even be pulled, and the other 10% of the time, you need to be lucky enough to actually pull it out of the pool of events.
    Is it possible to go into more detail about the meateor's odds of being pulled, like if it's odds of being pulled (when it is in the pool) are doubled by some equipment or perks?
    ~~ that girl (talk) 18:14, 4 July 2018 (UTC)
I don't see anything that implies you couldn't have the meateor encounter prior to your 9th. Yes, 90% of the time it won't even be added to the set of encounters it selects from. The remaining 10% of times you still have to be lucky enough to have it pulled, but the odds will depend on what else is in the pool. Nothing specifically increases the odds of that encounter, but you could maximize your chances by emptying out the pool as much as possible of other encounters---exhaust all the 1-time encounters (and other limited ones, like binoculars), don't wear the rings that increase specific encounter types, el vibrato transponder, etc. Some horses in some locations also imply encounters are added to the pool. --Fig bucket (talk) 02:15, 6 July 2018 (UTC)

  • As a bit more detailed, consider this. Let's assume you are wandering in Region A. You exhausted the one-time events, have none of the rings on, no transponder (or turned it off), are a beanslinger (since snakeoiler has an extra snake encounter, and cowpuncher has an extra cow encounter), and are just using the plain horse (or crazy horse and already found walking stupid---just not the dark and pale horses, as they add an extra encounter). Excluding Sally (which also has special conditions), that leaves 17 possible encounters (there's only 1 foragin' encounter added (which selects the target), and there are 2 stat-check-type encounters added). The best you could possibly have is then a 1/10 chance of the meateor encounter being included in that pool, and then a 1/18 chance of selecting it. So 1/180, or a little over 0.5% chance. --Fig bucket (talk) 12:55, 7 July 2018 (UTC)